Sunday, April 22, 2012

YWCA quilt

 I don't have a good picture of this whole quilt. It is a t-shirt quilt made by M.B. for the YWCA Battered Women's Task Force. They will have a fundraiser and the intent was to have a silent auction for this t-shirt quilt. It is made with t-shirts from the YWCA. She did a lovely job piecing.  Now they are going to be at a meeting on April 27th and offer it for $1500, I believe and if anyone wants to buy it outright then, they won't even bother at the auction! If not, then it will go to the auction.

Borders detail
And back, not the greatest light.
Back side with border detail
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A couple of personal items

I think this is a little fuzzy, now that I load it larger. I will try to take a better one and replace. But this is a little purse, I was trying to make it tall, but it was too narrow. I'll try again, but I just love these fabrics, so I will use this for awhile. 

Kindle cover for my sister in law's birthday. 
Birthday quilt for H.C.'s niece. Cute little fabrics on the flip flops.

And the pink and green hearts are just adorable. I quilted ice cream cones in border and hearts in body.
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Clothes' quilt

This is a quilt made by S.M. for her daughters' 50th birthday. It will be a surprise for her. These outfits are all made from clothes that her monther made her when she was a little girl. Sorry I don't have a full size shot, it was rainy when I took these so the light wasn't very good and I couldn't take it outside on the clothesline.  Aren't they adorable!! It was also quite large!! I am sure there will be some reminiscing when she sees all of these! 

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