Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Too much in a rush

t-shirt for PS,
who played for several
pro teams after college.
Every year I say that I will not let myself get caught up in the Christmas rush. And every year it doesn't work.  If I look at the calendar, even though it was a long, hot, very dry summer, I would say time-wise, it should only be the middle of  June. YES, the time really did go that fast. Where, I have no clue.  We did have three family weddings and visits from out of town family, and that did add to it, but I still feel like I am in a whirlwind.  SO, here are a few pics of customer quilts, I haven't been very good about taking pictures, either. Later on I will have a few pics of my own works. Enjoy
this is 8x13"!!

LM had me quilt this for her even though she has her own quilting machine!
 KD made this great quilt
for her son, who is a freshman in college!!
t-shirt quilt EB made for granddaughter
which ended up being all jerseys!

KSU quilt for RG's grandson

and a little closer view of it.
More to come in a day or two!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lots of quilts for kiddos

 This is a cut variation of a yellow brick road made by GF, it had a jungle themed fabric, so I chose to quilt monkeys in the body, and did a big jungle leaf in the border, turned out adorable.

This little cutie is for A's first baby~this is her second quilt and she just wanted a curvy pattern to go with the strong geometric lines.
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Friday, July 6, 2012

4th try is a charm

This is the 4th try to post this. I can't seem to get along when I try to publish photos directly from Picasa.  I made this cute little tote bag with some leftovers from a quilt backing and a gift tote. I just love the bright flowers. 

 We have a little neighbor gal that turned 13 last month, and her grandmother gave me a very pointed smile....so this is the front and the back of hers.

I don't find the front of this quilt, it is a Thimbleberries block of the month.

These blocks will be pillows for KH's niece and nephew, the patterns on the blocks match the patterns on the quilts she is also giving them:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Recent completions

Cute grandmother flower garden idea from MBS.
 I think I can post this, it is a quilt designed and pieced by LW, hoping to get juried into and AQS show. All starts and stops were hand tied and buried!

T-shirt quilt by PS for a fund raiser, I believe. I love how the flames turned out around the blocks!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Minkee and a bag

This is a minkee quilt, very challenging as the seams were too thick to allow the hopping foot on the machine to go across, so did block by block quilting.

 AE requested that I make a bag for her to give to her sister for a birthday gift. This is an Amy Butler pattern. I think this is the third or fourth one I've made from this pattern. Just love her stuff.

This is a cute batik square quilt that DF made for her sister. She said that the border fabric looks just like the backing from a quilt they used to play under when they were kids. She normally has a bit of a problem with blue, she said, because her mother dressed them (three kids) in particular colors, hers was blue!  We used to do that with our boys and a nephew, until we lost one of them in Silver Dollar City and didn't notice it for a minute, as all three boys, my two sons, and a nephew right in between them, were all blonde and dressed in a red shirt and overall shorts.  Imagine our panic when we realized there were only two boys instead of three. We never did that again.

Next week is the Machine Quilters Showcase in Overland Park, KS, so look for some gorgeous quilt pics from the show~

Sunday, April 22, 2012

YWCA quilt

 I don't have a good picture of this whole quilt. It is a t-shirt quilt made by M.B. for the YWCA Battered Women's Task Force. They will have a fundraiser and the intent was to have a silent auction for this t-shirt quilt. It is made with t-shirts from the YWCA. She did a lovely job piecing.  Now they are going to be at a meeting on April 27th and offer it for $1500, I believe and if anyone wants to buy it outright then, they won't even bother at the auction! If not, then it will go to the auction.

Borders detail
And back, not the greatest light.
Back side with border detail
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A couple of personal items

I think this is a little fuzzy, now that I load it larger. I will try to take a better one and replace. But this is a little purse, I was trying to make it tall, but it was too narrow. I'll try again, but I just love these fabrics, so I will use this for awhile. 

Kindle cover for my sister in law's birthday. 
Birthday quilt for H.C.'s niece. Cute little fabrics on the flip flops.

And the pink and green hearts are just adorable. I quilted ice cream cones in border and hearts in body.
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Clothes' quilt

This is a quilt made by S.M. for her daughters' 50th birthday. It will be a surprise for her. These outfits are all made from clothes that her monther made her when she was a little girl. Sorry I don't have a full size shot, it was rainy when I took these so the light wasn't very good and I couldn't take it outside on the clothesline.  Aren't they adorable!! It was also quite large!! I am sure there will be some reminiscing when she sees all of these! 

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Friday, March 30, 2012


Ok, I am starting off with something new!

 Can you believe how much different strips look when they are cut apart and sewn together? The blocks on the left are from the fabric on the right. I think I will finish this and give it to a good friend that is a math teacher, she likes to hang quilts in her room during the school year, and I think this really looks mathematic, don't you, well, at least geometric!

Our very early spring has rushed the daffodils, here are a couple of beauties:

These on the left always make me think of Wonka's Chocolate factory, when he picks a daffodil, and drinks out of it like a tea cup.